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129 (number) 139
137 (number) 217
400 (number) 328
495 (number) 92
6 (number) 92, 200, 207, 222, 332
6174 (number) 92
666 (number) 144, 200
8238 (number) 204
999 (number) 199
999999 (number) 196
Aczel, Amir 403
amino acids 52
Anderson, Carl (1905 - 1991) 170
animal migration 237
Anselm of Canterbury (1033 - 1109) 31
anthropic principle 26
Aquinas, Thomas (1225 - 1274) 393
archetypes 266
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) 74, 390, 393
Babylon 231
Babylonian astronomy 231
Babylonians 95, 195
Bach, Richard 133
Bayes, Thomas (1702 - 1761) 46
Beitman, Bernard 100
Bekenstein, Jacob (1947 - 2015) 400
Berkeley, George (1685 - 1753) 87
Bible 323
Big Bang 94, 323
birthday problem (paradox) 109
black holes 248
Blavatsky, Helena (1831 - 1891) 245, 254
Bohn, David (1917 - 1992) 317
Bohr, Niels (1885 - 1962) 177
Bonaparte, Napoleon (1769 - 1821) 139
boson (particle) 94
Brahman 88
brain 73, 74, 379
brain (of an ant) 74
Browne, Sylvia (1936 - 2013) 255
Cambray, Joseph 102
Cambrian explosion 66, 329
carbon 94
Carter, Brandon 27
Cauchy, Louis (1789 - 1857) 186
Cayce, Edgar (1877 - 1945) 254
cell (biological) 55
cellular automata 65
CERN 246, 316, 334, 347
chaos 372
Chopra, Deepak 103, 108
Christian religion 388
coincidences 99
collapse of wave function 177
complex number 186, 188
Compton, Arthur (1892 - 1962) 400
computer (intellect) 82
consciousness 34, 75, 77, 81
consciousness (as quantum phenomenon) 189
consciousness (outside body) 336
constant “e” 201
constant “π” 195
Coronavirus 255
Cox, E.W. 260
Crick, Francis (1916 - 2004) 53
Cygnus X-1 249
Darwin, Charles (1809 - 1882) 59, 399
data (information) 34
DataMelt 407
Davis, Andrew (1826 - 1910) 253, 254
Dawkins, Richard 386
death 288
decimal system 96
DeLouise, Joseph (1927 - 2006) 256
Descartes, René (1596 - 1650) 74, 86, 186
Dirac, Paul (1902 - 1984) 170
DNA 50, 54, 94, 162, 215, 237, 387
DNA size 215
dreams 265, 284
dualism 74
Eddington, Arthur (1882 - 1944) 331
Einstein, Albert (1879 - 1955) 102, 131, 168, 400
electromagnetic waves 214, 316, 321
electron (particle) 170
electronvolts 316
Englert, François 90
entanglement (of praticles) 346
entropy 372
entropy (in the Universe) 41
Euler, Leonard (1707 - 1783) 186, 201, 212
Everett, Hugh (1930 - 1982) 178
evolution (social) 69
evolution (theory) 60
Evolution Theory 60
Faggin, Federico 189
Faraday, Michael (1791 - 1867) 399
Fermi paradox 382
Feynman, Richard (1918 - 1988) 196, 218, 337
fine tuning (Universe) 26
fine-structure constant 217, 321
fractal dimensions 224
fractal distributions 227
fractals 223
free will 368
Freud, Sigmund (1856 - 1939) 358
future 365
Gauss, Carl (1777 - 1855) 208
Gaussian distribution 208
Geison, Gerald L 241
General Theory of Relativity 331
GeV 335
gigaelectronvolts 316
Giza Plateau 228
gluon (particle) 246
God (as information) 351
God (does not exist) 386
God (exists) 390
God (of the gaps) 302
Gorbachev, Mikhail (1931 - 2022) 136
Gospel of John 319
Great Fire of London 239
Great Pyramids of Giza 228
Hameroff, S 189
Hathaway, Anne (1556 - 1623) 106
Hawking, Stephen (1942 - 2018) 131, 181
Hegel, Georg (1770 - 1831) 86
Heisenberg, Werner (1901 - 1976) 176, 400
helium 331
Higgs boson 90, 334, 347
Higgs, Peter (1929 - 2024) 90, 171, 404
high-energy physics 388
Hitler, Adolf (1889 - 1945) 139
Hume, David (1711 - 1786) 87
idealism 84
idealism (transcendental) 87
imaginary (number) 186
inequality 291
infinity (mathematics) 202
information 33
instinct (animals) 76, 237
intellect 75
intelligence 34, 73
irrational number 194
irrational numbers 187
Janssen, Pierre (1842 - 1907) 331
Jesus Christ 247, 250
Jung, Carl (1875 - 1961) 100, 270, 273, 358
justice 293
Kaiser (King of Prussia) 142
Kammerer, Paul (1880 - 1926) 102
Kant, Immanuel (1724 - 1804) 87, 394
Kapreka, Dattatreya (1905 - 1986) 93
Karyshev, Nikolay (1855 - 1905) 389
Kennedy, John F. (1917 -1963) 128
Khrushchev, Nikita (1894 - 1971) 258
knowledge 34, 352
Krauss, Lawrence 301
Kursk (town) 257
Landau, Lev (1908 - 1968) 317
Laplace, Pierre-Simon (1749 - 1827) 47
Large Hadron Collider 316
Leibniz, Gottfried (1646 - 1716) 86, 186, 322
Lem, Stanislaw (1921 - 2006) 27
Lennox, John 403
lepton (particle) 94
LHC 91, 334
Lie algebra 170
Lie groups 170
Lie, Marius Sophus (1842 - 1899) 170
life 85
light 315, 324
light (religion) 320
Lincoln, Abraham (1809 - 1865) 128
Mandela Effect 258
Mandelbrot set (fractal) 223
Mandelbrot, Benoit 223
Marconi, Guglielmo (1874 - 1937) 400
materialism 84
Maxwell, James (1831 - 1879) 399
meaning of life 280
Mendeleev table 95
Mendeleev, Dmitry (1834 - 1907) 399
Messing, Wolf (1899 - 1974) 254
Meyer, Stephen 56, 387
mind 35, 76
Mindell, Arnold 102
Mlodinow, Leonard 301
Moon 329
moral 378
Morgan, Augustus, De (1806 - 1871) 209, 397
mycelium 280
Napier, John (1550 - 1617) 201
Nazca Lines 233
Nazis 376
negative numbers 187
Neumann-Wigner interpretation 178, 189
neurons (brain) 74
Newton, Isaac (1643 - 1727) 305, 399
Nibiru 96
nirvana 88
nonlocality 179, 346
Normal distribution 208
Nostradamus 239
Nostredame, Michel de (1503 - 1566) 239
noumenon 87
numbers (as symbols) 360
Old Testament 309, 311
out-of-body experience 336
Pascal, Blaise (1623 - 1662) 69
past 346, 365
Pasteur, Louis (1822 - 1895) 241
Pauli, Wolfgang (1900 - 1958) 101, 218, 249, 250, 266
Penrose, Roger 87, 178, 189
Peoc'h, René 119
perfect number 92
pheromones 75
photon (particle) 89, 321
Picasso, Pablo (1881 - 1973) 82
Pirogov, Nikolay (1810 - 1881) 397
Planck length 214, 215
Planck, Max (1856 - 1949) 400, 401
Planck's constant 191, 216
Plato (5th – 4th centuries BCE) 86
Platonic forms 88
positron (particle) 170
Prime Mover 393
probability 44
probability (Bayesian) 46
probability (conditional) 46
probability (of coincidences) 104
prophecies 253
proteins 52
proto-form 363
proton (particle) 246
Pyramid of Khufu 228
Pythagoras (about 570 — 490 BC) 92
Pythagoreans (6th century BCE) 323
quantum computers 357
quantum entanglement 180
quantum mechanics 175
quark (particle) 94
qubits 357
real number 194
religion 89
REM (sleep) 265
Republic, The (by Plato) 337
retrocausality 346
retrocausality (quantum mechanics) 181
RNA 50, 94
Roerich, Helena (1879 - 1955) 323
Roerich, Nicholas (1874 - 1947) 323
Russell, Bertrand (1872 - 1970) 390
Rutherford, Ernest (1871 - 1937) 246
Saint Augustine (354 - 430) 93
Sanger, Larry 97, 163
Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788 - 1860) 349
Schrödinger, Erwin (1887 - 1961) 175, 400
Schwarzschild, Karl (1873 - 1916) 248
science 83, 167, 402
self-awareness 75
sexagesimal numbering system 95
Shakespeare, William (1564 - 1616) 106
Shermer, Michael 107
singularity 324
Skeptics Society 107
sleep 263, 282
Smolin, Lee 27
solar eclipses 328
Sommerfeld, Arnold (1868 - 1951) 217
soul 35
speed of light 214, 230
Spencer, Herbert (1820 - 1903) 69
spirit 35
Standard Model 63
subtle world 323
suffering 374
Sumerians 95
symbols 357
SynchroDestiny 103
synchronicity 100
synchronicity (understanding) 355
synchronism 100
Tagore, Rabindranath (1861 - 1941) 402
Taleb, Nassim 223
Taylor (series) 169, 188
Tesla, Nikola (1856 - 1943) 221, 253, 322
Theory of Evolution 300
time 165
trilobites 72
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin (1857 - 1935) 398, 400
Twain, Mark (1835 - 1910) 271
uncertainty relation (quantum mechanics) 176
Unified Mind 100
universe (created) 304, 312
universe (from nothing) 299
universe (from quantum fluctuation) 306
Urantia Book, The 244
Vanga (1911 - 1996) 254, 257
Watson, James 53
wave function 176
Wheeler, John (1911 - 2008) 172, 191, 249
Wigner, Eugene (1902 - 1995) 188
Wilhelm II (1859 - 1941) 142
Witt, De Bryce (1923 - 2004) 178
Wolfram, Stephen 192
World War I 142
World War II 143, 376
X-ray radiation 249
Zelmanov, Abraham (1913 - 1987) 27